Backing Israel Helps Biden in 2024 – The TechLead


No doubt about it, President Biden is in political hot water—but not, as critics on the left have suggested, because of his Israel policy. Supporting Israel over Hamas is one of the most popular things he has done. By 84% to 16% in the latest HarvardCAPS/Harris poll, Americans support the Jewish state over the terror organization and roughly as many believe Israel is justified in its response.

It’s true that the 16% who support Hamas include many Democrats, as 18- to 24-year-olds split only 52% to 48% in Israel’s favor. But are those Democrats going to vote for Donald Trump, who moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem? In the end they will come home, as they always do. The important thing is that in taking a strong stand on behalf of Israel, Mr. Biden is appealing to swing voters who have a high propensity to vote over young people who have the lowest. The math is simple: One voter who switches from Mr. Trump to Mr. Biden equals two disillusioned voters who stay home or back a third-party candidate.

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