Calgary Sun Letters to the Editor for November 9, 2023 – The TechLead


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Bell: Alberta Liberal MPs Back Trudeau, Sell Out On Carbon Tax Break…

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Seeing both George Chahal and Randy Randy Boissonnault sold their souls to the ‘company store’ in Ottawa, perhaps they might want to consider running in Ontario-based ridings in the 2025 federal election. It seems quite apparent the both drank the Central Canada Kool-Aid and they no longer have their Albertan constitutes’ concerns as their No. 1 priority in Ottawa.


(It was disappointing to see them toe the party line.)

Time to go, Liberals

Let us call a spade a spade. For whatever reason the Liberal Canadian government has been ineffective at evacuating Canadian citizens from Gaza. This mirrors their ineffectiveness on just about everything else they have touched. Time for them to go.

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(Just another thing they have failed at.)

Sham vote

Someone please explain to me how the Bloc Quebecois was allowed to vote on the federal carbon tax last Monday when they are only a provincial party? They shouldn’t have any influence regarding federal affairs.

Having Trudope as a resident changes the rules obviously. Quebec doesn’t want to lose the sweet deal they have with the cap and trade credits nor the lower price applied to their gasoline, thanks again to a special carbon tax only afforded to them.

As far as I’m concerned, Trudeau and Quebec are both well past their expiry date and need to leave.


(They are a federal party, and deserve the same voting powers as any Alberta MP.)

Stay within a budget

At our house, we budget to meet our fixed income. We put off buying certain things until we find the extra cash. We don’t expect to call governments and state we need an extra $25k so put the money in the mail. The City of Calgary has not once trimmed their budget to suit their income from taxes. They threaten to cut fire or police service if they don’t get the extra tax money. We need a new city council that does not act like the Liberal government!


(What would you like them to cut? Maybe we can catch their eye.)

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