Haley vs. Trump vs. Biden – The TechLead


Democrats have assisted Donald Trump’s campaign for the GOP presidential nomination in so many ways that it’s hard to keep track. There are the four indictments, the legacy of mistrust from the failed Russia collusion lie from 2016, and the great Biden inflation. But most helpful is how Democrats have undermined the argument that Mr. Trump can’t defeat President Biden.

The he-can’t-win case was strong after Mr. Trump led the GOP to defeat in elections in 2018, 2020, the 2021 Georgia Senate races, and again in 2022 with disappointing gains in the House and defeat in the Senate. This is one reason Ron DeSantis surged in the polls in early 2023 after his big victory in the Florida Governor’s race. Most polls at the time showed Mr. Trump losing to Mr. Biden in a rematch, while other Republicans ran ahead or at least closer.

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