Letters to the Editor, Dec. 31, 2023: ‘Trudeau and Singh need to go’ – The TechLead


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Once again, Trudeau is putting his political needs ahead of doing what is correct for Canada’s reputation as a defender of freedom! By joining the dysfunctional United Nations in voting against Israel, Trudeau showed cowardly weakness. The UN has a history of voting against Israel while giving Iran a forum for spewing hatred. Iran has called for the complete annihilation of Israel. That is now what Israel is fighting against as Iran’s terrorist proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis attack it! Trudeau is proving the most spineless leader Canada has ever had. Shame on Singh for keeping Trudeau in power for his own self interests. Wake our Canadians, as these two must pay a price next election for the damage done to our great Canada before Justin Trudeau took over!

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(Canada could certainly benefit from some fresh leadership.)

Bad agenda

Just before Christmas Trudeau ran around eastern Canada announcing all these great programs trying to buy back votes. Of course, most of his promises won’t come into effect until after the next election, and then he will do what he has done since 2015 break most of his promises. Two million Canadians forced to go to food banks every month, others living in their vehicles because of high rent, and homeowners are walking away because Trudeau has caused the interest rate to skyrocket. Sickening.


(He’s behind the curve on how costs are hitting Canadians.)

Justin, please go

Thank you, Justin Trudeau. Thank you for slowly destroying our once great and respected country. Thank you for continually embarrassing us on the international stage. Thank you for making life so unaffordable for so many of our families. Thank you for destroying our military and allowing abuse of its veterans, those who have made so many sacrifices for all of us in the past. The list of your incompetence is endless, but I digress. Please give Canadians that still love our country a gift and take a walk in the snow.


(Or in Justin’s case, a walk on the beach because of course he is on holiday again)

Russia should cease fire

It’s amazing that no one complains about all the civilians who are dying in Ukraine thanks to Russian rockets and drones and tell Russia to cease fire. But when it comes to Israel, everyone is telling Israel to cease fire. Double standard, I guess.


(That’s a fair point)

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