Must Know Mobile Internet Traffic Statistics (2023 Data) – The TechLead


Desktops were the ultimate tools for connecting to the internet before laptops. Hence, laptops emerged as the first mobile device that could easily ‘go as you go’! However, the next generation of mobile devices, smartphones, came later. With this mobile device, people have discovered a more convenient way of connecting to the web when they are on the move. Mobile devices account for over 55% of website traffic. An estimated 92.3% of internet users access the web using a mobile device.

We’ll jump-start with mobile internet traffic statistics. That will throw light on how it has influenced people generally. We won’t stop until we dig into how users surf around the world online! Let’s begin.

General Statistics on What Percentage of Internet Traffic is Mobile

  1. In 2023 globally, that is, if you don’t include tablets, mobile devices make up almost 57% of internet traffic, according to a report by Statista
  2. As of 2023, data that is gotten every month from mobile devices is 84.5 exabytes and was done through 2G,3G, and 4G networks.
  3. Regarding downloads, Stumble Guys is the number one for games worldwide, with a record of 17.51 million downloads from the Play Store only.
  4. Facebook isn’t just the largest social media platform; it’s also the most popular one, with a record of 2.95 billion active users every month in 2023.
  5. Online shopping has become a popular way of buying and selling today, with 511.8 billion dollars from the market section in America as of 2023.
  6. From the beginning of 2022 to 2023, mobile traffic has increased by 1.23% worldwide in 2023.
  7. Messages and chats are used by 76% of people through mobile phones.
  8. Chrome browsers make up 66.22% of mobile browsers worldwide as of 2022.
  9. Over 5.3 billion people worldwide connect to the internet through mobile devices in 2023, according to a report by DemandSage
  10. In 2023, about 92.3% of people who utilize the world’s internet do so with a mobile device. 

A Detailed Review of Mobile Internet Traffic Statistics

Detailed Review of Mobile Internet Traffic Statistics

1. 5G Connection Growth Reached 76% From the Last Quarter of 2021 to 2022. 

According to Chris Pearson, the President of 5G Americas, 5G is rapidly gaining popularity compared to previous mobile wireless generations. In 2022, a report by OmdiaTech revealed that there were approximately 455 million 5G connections, marking a 14% growth from July to September, when there were 922 million connections. By the end of 2022, the total number of 5G connections reached 1.05 billion. At this pace, it’s expected that 5G will have 2 billion connections by the end of 2023 and could potentially approach 5.9 billion connections by late 2027 as it continues to grow.

2. 7.1 Billion Mobile Users Were Recorded As of 2021.

According to a report by Statista, this number was collected in 2021 and amounted to a staggering 90% of the world’s population. This indicates that surfing the internet via mobile devices has become a culture in today’s society. By 2025, the number of mobile users globally is expected to reach 7.49 billion. The question remains: “What part of this represents smartphones”? The same survey pegs the number at 6.5 billion smartphones globally, expecting it to grow. The usefulness of these devices is a moving train that can’t stop because it has come to stay. Quite notable is the fact about 85% of the populace in the US have smartphones!

3. The Mobile Bounce Rate was Improved by 8% Through a Reduction in the Speed of Mobile Sites By 0.1 Second.

We noticed that small enlargements in mobile device presentation cut bounce rates. This is likely because when mobile websites take longer to load, people lose patience and leave without exploring the site. An internet user’s average attention span diminishes to just a tenth of a second. If we can enhance performance even more, it will attract more mobile users worldwide. Thus, improving mobile device performance reduces bounce rates because slow-loading websites lead to impatience and exits. With an average internet user’s short attention span, enhancing performance will attract more global mobile users.

4. 54.4% of Website Traffic Globally Came From Mobile Devices in the Last Quarter of 2021.

As of 2017, mobile devices, including tablets and smartphones, accounted for 50% of global Internet traffic, which remained the same until 2022. A survey of 400 web professionals by BlogHubspot found that 41% of their website traffic came from mobile devices. Desktops, once the norm, are now on the decline, and business owners should prioritize mobile web design to capitalize on the growing global web traffic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, mobile e-commerce saw a 48% increase. Online shopping, already popular before the pandemic, experienced significant growth due to restrictions on movement. More people turned to online shopping for groceries and essentials, with mobile app traffic increasing by 45% during the same period.

5. From a Global Perspective, in Terms of Time Spent Online, People Who Access the Internet Will Spend Half of Their Time Via Mobile Devices As of 2021.

What are you using to read this article? There’s a 51% chance it’s on a mobile device. This trend has grown by 5% in two years and isn’t slowing down. It shows that most people prefer using mobile devices instead of desktops for the internet.

6. Enhancing Mobile Experience Has Been Noted By 64% of SEO Marketers As a Viable Option For Lucrative Investments.

Most SEO professionals agree that enhancing web design is good for business. However, they believe that improving mobile web design, including the user interface (UI), will be an even more effective strategy due to the high traffic it attracts. Google has recognized the importance of mobile traffic and has made its mobile experience faster in responding to user commands. According to DailyBlogging, Google holds a staggering 93.68% of the market share for mobile search engines. SEO professionals consider their rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs) crucial, with 45.4% acknowledging that improving the mobile experience can be beneficial.

7. Around Five to Six Hours Daily Are Spent On Mobile Phones By 46% of the American Population As of 2021.

People rely more on mobile devices for internet access and expect a better mobile experience. Internet users keep asking for improvements, so app developers are under pressure to make their apps as good as possible. Users are always comparing different apps. While there have been some positive changes, nearly half of US residents spend much time on mobile devices, and there’s still room to improve things.

8. Optimized Apps For Organizations That Keep Information and Behavioral Patterns of the Internet User Are Preferred By 58% of Users.

People often return to websites that offer convenient login options, such as remembering their saved usernames and passwords. Some apps even take it a step further by providing suggestions based on the user’s past activity on the platform, like recommending products that match their preferences and saving their site settings. According to a ThinkWithGoogle study, users strongly connect with apps that remember them.

9. Internet Users Who Access the Web Through Tablets Have Exceeded 1 Billion Users Globally.

People usually think of smartphones when they hear “mobile devices,” but it’s not always just that. It includes phones, smartphones, tablets, and even laptops because they can be moved around. Tablets are also a popular choice for internet access, with about 50% of Americans using them.

10. Among Smartphone Users, About 50% Have a Preference For Mobile Websites As Opposed to Surfing Through Apps.

From our current discussion, the mean internet user can’t wait for too long! They hate the slightest agent of delay while accessing websites. Furthermore, while some smartphone users wouldn’t mind engaging in e-commerce or generally surfing the web via these apps, many others prefer utilizing mobile sites.

11. 59% of Internet Users Feel Doing E-Commerce Through Mobile Devices is Vital in Influencing Their Decisions on What to Buy.

Most internet users feel the need for mobile platforms, not minding if it’s mobile apps or websites. This is because, more often than not, people tend to respond to the urge to purchase online from the comfort of their homes.

12. 42% of Small Businesses Have Plans to Create Mobile Apps, While 32% Already Have One.

As earlier pointed out, about half of mobile users prefer mobile sites to apps. About half of them ignore the app experience or its downloading protocols. Small firms identifying these loopholes and capitalizing on such opportunities tend to build their market with these individuals.

13. As of 2021, Visits on E-Commerce Platforms With Successful Purchases Are 2.2% For Phones, 3.7% For Desktops, and 3.3% For Tablets.

According to the report in 2021 from some smartphone platforms engaging in e-commerce, the desktop experience is still running a greater race. The stats state that people who utilize desktops have a higher intention to purchase than those with mobile devices.

14. 73.1% of Web Developers Believe Non-Intuitive Web Design Tops the List of Reasons People Leave Websites.

Poorly designed user interfaces can lead to a negative user experience, making users unlikely to return. This can be due to small fonts requiring zooming or cramped buttons and options. In the last decade, a significant focus has been on improving mobile web design as the standard, with mobile design taking priority. A GoodFirms report supported this, showing that 200 web design professionals agreed that intuitive web design encourages user loyalty.

Mobile Traffic Statistics by Country

Traffic Stats by Country Review

15. The table will give you the stats on smartphone usage by countries globally:

No  Country  Population  Number of smartphone users  Percentage of smartphone users  
1 Japan 1.4 billion 126 million 75.2%
2 America 330 million 240 million 72.1%
3 Russia 145 million 102 million 70.1%
4 Indonesia 276 million 178 million 64.8%
5 Brazil  213 million 131 million 61.6%
6 Philippines  111 million 67 million 60.7%
7 China  1.4 billion 865 million 60%
8 Mexico  130 million 77 million 59.4%
9 India  1.4 billion 606 million 43.5%
10  Nigeria  72 million 211 million 34.1%

16. As of 2022, a report by Vanguard highlights the countries with the highest global mobile internet traffic. Surprisingly, despite low smartphone penetration, Nigeria leads the pack with 82.63% of international mobile traffic, thanks to its 70 million mobile subscribers. India follows closely at 73.8%, and both countries have about 20% of the world’s population.

17. Turkey, considered by some to be a developing nation, is the first European country on the list, contributing 68.52% of global mobile traffic. Countries like the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, and China rank high, with over 60% of mobile traffic worldwide. Many “developed” countries in the Western region fall within the 40-50% range of global internet traffic. Let’s take a look.

  • Spain – 51.46%
  • Italy – 49.54%
  • France – 48.91%
  • Sweden – 47.99%

18. People in more developed countries use desktops and laptops over mobile devices for internet access. Russia has the lowest mobile internet traffic in the world, accounting for just 36.18% of its internet usage.

Demography of Mobile Device Usage

Demography of Mobile Device Usage

19. According to a report by Pew Research, 85% of men, as well as women, own a smartphone.

20. Smartphone ownership is prevalent across age groups. Among individuals aged 18-29, 96% own smartphones, and this percentage remains high at 95% for those aged 30-49.

21. The trend continues as we move to older age brackets, with 83% of those aged 50-64 and 61% of those aged 65 and above smartphone users. Even older people are embracing mobile devices.


The global trend shows a significant rise in mobile web browsing. Although some developed countries face challenges, the potential market for brand owners and consumers is vast. It’s crucial to educate web developers about prioritizing mobile user experience. With more people, regardless of age or location, using mobile devices for web access, the shift towards mobile-centric online activities is clear.

Despite some developed nations still favoring traditional desktop use, the expanding reach of mobile technology is undeniable. The mobile content and services market is substantial, offering opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs. In light of these trends, web developers must focus on mobile-friendly and responsive design. This ensures a seamless user experience and opens doors for growth and engagement in the evolving digital landscape, benefiting both consumers and brand owners.

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